Working With A Google Partner

Working With A Google Partner:


We’ve changed the way we advertise homes. We wanted to be able to get the right home in front of the right home buyer at the right time and we have done that. 

Many people say they are advertising homes and putting them on Facebook. While that’s great, that’s just the surface level of

advertising. Read below to find out how we are different.


1) We have been tracking all home leads:

What does that mean? Everyone of our home listings (on a platform such as Facebook or Google) receive their own special URL or (UTM code). These allow us to understand where people are finding your home and at what frequency. We are also able to dive deeper and find out what lead drove the ale of your home. With the data we are acquiring we are better able to sell

homes faster as we are able to determine what channel works better for certain demographics.

2) Our Ads Capture A Lot of Attention:

We use consumer insights to guide the marketing campaigns and inspire high quality creativity. Now that we have our advertising costs between $0.01 and $1.00 we are able to capture a copious amount of attention on your ads. That means, more people see your home quicker. We also retarget anyone who has shown interest in your home so you stay insight and in mind.

3) We have an ongoing competitive landscape analysis and activity benchmarking:

Surveying our competition is something we frequently do. This helps us stay ahead of market trends, stay ahead of competitors and remain industry leaders.

4) Automated Communication:

We have created automation channels in order to stay in touch with buyers and sellers. This affords us the opportunity to keep interest in homes through personal emails and through drip campaigns.

Basically, we use data and metric to sell your home quickly. We are using our data to get your home in front of people that want to buy it and that can afford it.

Gregg Bamford and Ryan Bamford

Buying or Selling a Home?

Whatever your buying or selling needs or wants may be, we are available to sit down and work through a plan that works best for you and your family. Contact us to get started.