Decor You Need To Remove From Your Home

Here today – gone tomorrow! Such as life, home decor styles come and go with the trends.

If your home has been “stuck in a time” period for quite a while, it may be overdue for some updating. Before your home turns into a pawn shop for antiques – let’s remove the faux pas one at a time.

Heads or antlers on walls

If you are a hunter, keep the trophies. If you have an old rustic cabin decorated in cynegetics – go wild and keep the decor. That’s it. Those are the only exceptions. If you have bought antlers from Home Outfitters or antler decor from Pier One – it’s time to take it down and move on.

Acrylic Everything

A little acrylic decor here and there is perfectly acceptable. What is no longer acceptable is having everything in your space acrylic: coffee table, end tables, shelving, decorative pieces and fireplaces adorned in acrylic. If this is a style you are still enjoying it may be time to slowly start removing one piece at a time.

Wildly Different Color Schemes From Room To Room.

It’s great to change up accent colors from room to room. It’s also great to change the vibe of your house from room to room as long as the house feels connected and it flows. If every single room in your home feels like a different home – you’ve gone too far.

Instead, pick a color pallet and stick within a few shades of that scheme. Or, as previously mentioned, keep the paint colors the same and focus on accent colors in different rooms.

Distressed Furniture

Upcycling is uber trendy right now. Repurpose lamps, pillows, chairs – it’s all good! However, purposefully distressing a new dresses to look old with paint and sanding is not trendy anymore. Rather than make a new piece look old – paint it a new solid color.

Industrial Furniture

Industrial pieces can be subtly added to your home in forms such as a fridge. Using stainless steal everything and industrial furniture makes your home feel sterile and “The huge pieces are often too overscale to work in most people’s homes, especially when they have big rolling wheels as furniture legs.”

If you need help buying or selling your home please contact us at any time.

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